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Climate Action Youth Summit 2025

Get involved, share ideas, and make a difference in your local community and beyond.

We are delighted to be holding our fourth Climate Action Youth Summit in January 2025. Aimed primarily at 13-25 year olds, this is your chance to engage in thought-provoking discussions, participate in interactive creative workshops and connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for climate action, culture, and nature.

In partnership with Headgate Theatre, Colchester.

The Climate Action Youth Summit is part of Manifesto For Essex, a multi-form creative platform run by Essex Book Festival for young people living in Essex and beyond to express their ideas about climate action.

The Climate Action Youth Summit will include a Panel Discussion led by Marina Cusi, Artistic Director at Mad, Who? with panellists representing young eco-writers, environmental activists and eco-theatre-makers .

Attendees can also choose to participate in two environmental-themed workshops:

Eco-Podcasting Workshop led by radio producer/presenter Michelle Durant

Eco-Performance Workshop led by theatre director Sofia Bagge

Eco-Scriptwriting led by writer, dramaturg and lecturer Andrew Burton

Eco-Poetry led by artist, activist and theatre-maker Marina Cusi

Free soft drinks and biscuits will be available on arrival.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to take part in creative drop-in workshops during the lunch break. We recommend you bring a nut-free packed lunch.

Places are limited so reserve your place today to avoid disappointment.

If you have any queries about the Climate Action Youth Summit or other Manifesto For Essex activities, just get in touch –


25 Jan 2025


10:00 am - 3:30 pm


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